We offer legal assistance and representation in all types of cases related to contract law.
Our highly qualified team provides legal consultations to natural and legal persons related to exercise and protection of rights, contract negotiation, litigation and dispute settlement.
You can rely on our expertise and comprehensive assistance in:

- Legal representation in preliminary contractual relations as well as representation in preliminary and final contracts closing
- Legal representation in a court of law in connection with the proclamation of a preliminary agreement for final
- Due diligence
- Legal review and amendment of draft or signed contracts and agreements
- Preparing contracts and notary deeds and invitations
- Drafting up contracts related to sales of debts, stake, leasing, purchase agreements, donations, exchange of real estate and personal property, transfer of property rights in exchange for care and support
- Debt collection - full legal representation related to obtaining court payment warrants, initiating execution procedures before private or governmental bailiffs, actual collection of the debt on behalf of the client
- Legal advice on tort events - personal injury claims, pecuniary damages or loss of profit
- Termination of contracts due to partial or full unenforceability
- Termination of contracts due to breach of contract
- Out-of-court settlement procedures
- Legal representation in connection with in all types of cases related to contract law
We guarantee your interests and rights and their effective protection at all stages of their development.
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